Strengthening research capacity in Ugandas higher education sector

Strengthening Capacity for ICT Usage and Policy Reforms for Relevant and Quality Masters Research Process Management in Uganda’s HEIs

The main objective: To strengthen Uganda’s higher education institutions (HEIs) capacity to use ICT in Masters’ research journey quality management processes and devise Policy reforms for relevant high-quality research outputs.


  1. (1)  Project Inception, Coordination & Management
  2. (2)  Stakeholder Mapping, Profiling and Engagement
  3. (3)  National Research & University Policy Reviews
  4. (4)  Developing Research Methods Manuals for Staff & Students
  5. (5)  Developing an E-Supervision Platform
  6. (6)  Development of a Connecting Mobile App
  7. (7)  Compiling a Compendium of Nationally Relevant Research Priorities
  8. (8)  Staff Learning Mobility & Capacity Building
  9. (9)  Dissemination


5 Universities (3 from Uganda – MUBS, MAK & MUST; 1 Portugal – ULisboa; 1 Netherlands – VU, Amsterdam). Uganda HEIs counterparts will benefit from demonstrated increased knowledge, mobility & adoption of new technologies while the European partners will benefit from knowledge and internationalization. At least 700 staff and 1,500 students inter-connected on a NCHE approved Research E-Supervision Platform; 800 masters students conduct their timely research; 500 supervisors & 100 administrative staff improve their work efficiency and interaction with students; 300 internal and 200 external examiners conduct timely assessment of research reports and viva-voce; NCHE with moderate level of interest will enhance capacity and accreditation; 2 employers (Kyazze, Kankaka & Co. Advocates & UCCSRI Ltd) will upgrade their sustainable development data tracking skills.

Key outputs: (1) A revised national master research policy framework; (2) NCHE approved E-Supervision Platform. (3) A Mobile App. connecting the participating universities.

Short term Results: Timely graduation of students; Reduced supervision inconsistencies; Relevant research outputs & Reliable student research assessment processes.

Long term results: Enhanced research capacity; Increased stock of relevant & high-quality research; Employable graduates

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