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VU Business & Society Knowledge Hub
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The VU Business & Society Knowledge Hub is devoted to interdisciplinary, collaborative and impactful research and be recognized as a global thought leader in research on sustainable business practices in and around organizations, markets and society at large.

Our mission is to provide both the scholarly community as well as business organizations and leaders research-based knowledge to make meaningful contributions to a sustainable society, and mobilize our expertise and research to help us get there.
Organizations need to identify ways of adapting to present and future climatic conditions

Climate change adaptation has for a long time been the neglected half of the climate equation, as most attention has been directed toward mitigation. Yet, the catastrophic effects of a changing climate are already occurring, unavoidable, and in many cases irreversible. Organizations need to identify ways of adapting to present and future climatic conditions. In […]

What is the strategy of strategy to tackle climate change?

To effectively tackle climate change, the strategic management enterprise needs to fundamentally reinvent itself. In their Point, Bansal, Durand, Kreutzer, Kunisch and McGahan forcefully argue for such a turnaround and outline a ‘new strategy’ paradigm that integrates the constraints of planetary boundaries and Earth systems not as an afterthought, but as the basis of inquiry. […]

How to be cautious with regard to cultural change, and seeking to constrain wealth accumulation of private sector entrepreneurs

The Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan enjoys global fame for its pursuit of GNH (Gross National Happiness) as an alternative model of development. An increase in youth unemployment has made Bhutan look to entrepreneurship as a possible solution, prompting a need for entrepreneurship education. But what could entrepreneurship education look like in a context where policies […]

Here, there and Everywhere: On the Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Management Research and the Peer-Review Process

This editorial introduces and explains the Journal of Management Studies’ (JMS) new policy on artificial intelligence (AI). We reflect on the use of AI in conducting research and generating journal submissions and what this means for the wider JMS community, including our authors, reviewers, editors, and readers. Specifically, we consider how AI-generated research and text could both assist and augment the […]

Embracing non-Western Contexts in Management Scholarship

Management is a global phenomenon. Yet, the vast majority of empirical investiga- tions and theoretical explanations of management, managers and those being managed that are published in leading management journals are based on research that predominantly originates from Western contexts, particularly the USA and the larger European countries. Non-Western contexts, in turn, reside at the […]

Evaluating definitions of social entrepreneurship: A rulebook from the philosophy of science

Scholars have long debated the definition of social entrepreneurship, but disagreement persists. Despite sustained efforts to craft a universal definition, social entrepreneurship has been characterized as an ʻessentially contested concept’. However, little is known about the root causes of this ongoing contestation. Therefore, we delve into the literature's social entrepreneurship definitions to examine this complex […]

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