Radu Atanasiu
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and PhD Candidate

Radu Atanasiu is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the Bucharest International School of Management and teaches critical thinking for business, decision-making in managerial contexts, and corporate strategy at BISM in Bucharest, at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, at the Maastricht School of Management in Maastricht, and at the Entrepreneurship Academy in Bucharest. He also teaches several online courses on the German platform iversity.org.  Radu‘s book, Critical Thinking for Managers, has been recently been published by Springer. Radu writes for several practitioners magazines and his work is aggregated on his platform, thinkinginbusiness.com.

Aside from teaching, Radu researches managerial heuristics, the simple rules that managers learn from experience. Managerial heuristics are the topic of his doctoral research, Radu being in his 4th year as a doctoral candidate at the VU.

Radu consults and conducts executive workshops on business decision-making and is actively involved as angel investor in several technological start-ups. He also runs marathons, often dressed as Mickey Mouse.

Atanasiu, R. (2021). Critical thinking for managers: structured decision-making and persuasion in business (Ser. Management for professionals). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73600-2

Atanasiu, R. (2021). The lifecycle of heuristics as managerial proverbs. Management Decision (Ahead-of-print). https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-08-2019-1025

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