we offer multiple engagement opportunities
to study, research, discuss and manage what matters for business & society

engage with us
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engage with us // for students
As part of the Department of Management & Organization at VU Amsterdam, we are surrounded by talented students who are motivated to support our work.

Our scholars teach in different courses in the Bachelor, Master and postgraduate programmes at VU’s School of Business & Economics, for instance the BSc International Business Administration, the MSc Business Administration, in the executive MBA programmes “Leading with purpose” and “International Business Administration” as well as in the part-time PhD programme of our department.

We also supervise Bachelor and Master theses and encourage students in the respective programmes to start their thesis projects with us.
engage with us // for researchers
The VU Business & Society Knowledge Hub is a thought leader in academic debates about the role of business in society, and how to conduct research with strong societal impact. Our research is globally recognized and frequently appears in the most renowned journals of our field.

We invite researchers at any level to collaborate with us, for instance by coming to VU Amsterdam for a research visit. If you are interested in staying with us for a longer or shorter period of time, write us at christopher.wickert@vu.nl or get in touch directly with one of our people.

We are also actively involved in organizing various conferences, workshops and seminars open to external participants. We typically announce them widely through recognized mailing lists such as AOM Connect as well as on our department’s Linkedin profile. Stay tuned!
engage with us // for journalists
Our scholars frequently write about their research in popular media and other non-academic outlets. Engage with us for interviews about our opinion on important societal issues and the state-of-the-art in research on business & society.

Contact us at christopher.wickert@vu.nl or engage directly with our people.
engage with us // for companies
Our scholars support businesses with their expertise in achieving social impact and for creating momentum in companies for topics like corporate social responsibility, sustainability and diversity. Find out what we are already doing in our projects overview.

Engage with us to initiate applied research projects, develop case studies and disseminate best practices to industry peers.

Get in touch with our scholars to discuss opportunities for collaboration by contacting them directly, or write us at christopher.wickert@vu.nl.
engage with us // for students
As part of the Department of Management & Organization at VU Amsterdam, we are surrounded by talented students who are motivated to support our work. Our scholars teach in different courses in the Bachelor, Master and postgraduate programmes at VU’s School of Business & Economics, for instance the BSc International Business Administration, the MSc Business Administration, and in the executive MBA programmes “Leading with purpose”, and “International Business Administration”. We also supervise Bachelor and Master theses and encourage students in the respective programmes to start their thesis projects with us.
engage with us // for researchers
The VU Center for Business & Society is a thought leader in academic debates about the role of business in society, and how to conduct research with strong societal impact. Our research is globally recognized and frequently appears in the most renowned journals of our field. We invite researchers at any level to collaborate with us, for instance by coming to VU Amsterdam for a research visit. If you are interested in staying with us for a longer or shorter period of time, write us at b&scenter@vu.nl.

We are also actively involved in organizing various conferences, workshops and seminars open to external participants. We typically announce them widely through recognized mailing lists such as AOM Connect. Stay tuned!
engage with us // for journalists
Our scholars frequently write about their research in popular media and other non-academic outlets. Learn more about what we have to say about the role of business and society. Engage with our scholars to discuss the societal relevance of their latest research by contacting them directly, or write us at b&scenter@vu.nl.
engage with us // for companies
Our scholars support businesses with their expertise about achieving social impact, how to create momentum in companies for topics like corporate social responsibility, sustainability and diversity.
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