Elco van Burg
Full professor in Organizational Theory

Elco van Burg is full professor of Organizational Theory at the School of Business and Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research focuses on processes at the intersection of organization theory and entrepreneurship. He studies primarily the following topics: social networks and interorganizational collaboration, managerial imagination and decision-making, design perspectives on organizing, organizing for the public good, and organizational trends such as lean and agile.

Besides academia, Elco has been working in a social enterprise in the rural highlands of Papua (Indonesia) for a period of six years, where he is still involved. Elco has been awarded multiple grants for large-scale studies, among others funded by the EU, ESA, and ZonMw.


Selected key publications

Berends, H., Van Burg, E., & Garud, R. (2021). Pivoting or persevering with venture ideas: Recalibrating temporal commitments. Journal of Business Venturing, Forthcoming.

Van Burg, E., Cornelissen, J., Stam, W., & Jack, S. (2020). Advancing qualitative entrepreneurship research: Leveraging methodological plurality for achieving scholarly impact. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.

Kaandorp, M., Van Burg, E., & Karlsson, T. (2020). Initial networking processes of student entrepreneurs: The role of action and evaluation. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 44(3), 527–556.

Zhang, S. X., & Van Burg, E. (2020). Advancing entrepreneurship as a design science: Developing additional design principles for effectuation. Small Business Economics, 55(3), 607–626.

Van Burg, E., & Romme, A. G. L. (2014). Creating the future together: Toward a framework for research synthesis in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(2), 369–397.

Dolmans, S. A. M., Van Burg, E., Reymen, I. M. M. J., & Romme, A. G. L. (2014). Dynamics of resource slack and constraints: Resource positions in action. Organization Studies, 35(4), 511–549.

Van Burg, E., Berends, H., & Van Raaij, E. M. (2014). Framing and interorganizational knowledge transfer: A process study of collaborative innovation in the aircraft industry. Journal of Management Studies, 51(3), 349–378.

Van Burg, E., Podoynitsyna, K., Beck, L., & Lommelen, T. (2012). Directive deficiencies: How resource constraints direct opportunity dentification in SMEs. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(6), 1000–1011.

Berends, H., Van Burg, E., & van Raaij, E. M. (2011). Contacts and contracts: Cross-level network dynamics in the development of an aircraft material. Organization Science, 22(4), 940–960.

Elco’s full publications can be accessed here.

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