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VU Business & Society Knowledge Hub
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The VU Business & Society Knowledge Hub is devoted to interdisciplinary, collaborative and impactful research and be recognized as a global thought leader in research on sustainable business practices in and around organizations, markets and society at large.

Our mission is to provide both the scholarly community as well as business organizations and leaders research-based knowledge to make meaningful contributions to a sustainable society, and mobilize our expertise and research to help us get there.
The lifecycle of heuristics as managerial proverbs

This paper proposes a theory-based process model for the generation, articulation, sharing and application of managerial heuristics, from their origin as unspoken insight, to proverbialization, to formal or informal sharing, and to their adoption as optional guidelines or policy. A conceptual paper is built using systematic and non-systematic review of literature. This paper employs a […]

Morality in the age of artificially intelligent algorithms

This essay starts from the premise that human judgment is intrinsically linked with learning and adaptation in complex socio-technological environments. Under the illusory veneer of retaining control over algorithmic reckoning, we are concerned that algorithmic reckoning may substitute human judgment in decision-making and thereby change morality in fundamental, perhaps irreversible, ways. We offer an ontological […]

The Dynamics of Framing: Image, Emotion and the European Migration Crisis

The macro-framing literature presents something of a theoretical conundrum. While an inherently dynamic concept, most work has treated frames as static. In addition to leaving our theories of framing underspecified, this also has implications for how we go about understanding and resolving our major societal problems, including flows of displaced people, the setting for this […]

Mind the gap: The role of gender in entrepreneurial career choice and social influence by founders

Women are less likely to be entrepreneurs than men. We investigate whether working in a startup founded by a woman instead of a man influences individuals' decision to become an entrepreneur later. We find this to be the case for women. This result is best explained by female founders acting as role models for their […]

Pivoting or persevering with venture ideas: Recalibrating temporal commitments

The authors show how entrepreneurs recalibrated the existing temporal and relational commitments they had made to accommodate the problems and possibilities they encountered. Understanding such recalibration is important, as it influences how entrepreneurs will act when they encounter unexpected events. To persevere, they positioned their actions as a continuation of the past, thus maintaining earlier commitments […]

Personal contact with refugees is key to welcoming them: An analysis of politicians' and citizens' attitudes towards refugee integration.

Politicians are influential both in directing policies about refugees and in framing public discourse about them. However, unlike other host country residents, politicians’ attitudes towards refugees and integration are remarkably understudied. We therefore examine similarities and differences between politicians’ attitudes towards refugee integration and those held by citizens. Based on the stereotype content model, we […]

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