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VU Business & Society Knowledge Hub
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The VU Business & Society Knowledge Hub is devoted to interdisciplinary, collaborative and impactful research and be recognized as a global thought leader in research on sustainable business practices in and around organizations, markets and society at large.

Our mission is to provide both the scholarly community as well as business organizations and leaders research-based knowledge to make meaningful contributions to a sustainable society, and mobilize our expertise and research to help us get there.
How Do Women Overcome Gender Inequality by Forming Small-Scale Cooperatives? The Case of the Agricultural Sector in Uganda

In Uganda, the agricultural sector contributes substantially to gross domestic product. Although the involvement of Ugandan women in this sector is extensive, female farmers face significant obstacles, caused by gendering that impedes their ability to expand their family business and to generate incomes. Gender refers to social or cultural categories by which women–men relationships are […]

Increasing workplace diversity: Evidence from a recruiting experiment at a Fortune 500 company

In the United States, nearly 90 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs are white males. To increase diversity in the workplace, Christina Rott and other researchers found a simple and cost-efficient alternative to quotas and expensive campaigns: sending prospective applicants a message about how the company values diversity among its employees. The method more than doubled […]

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