Christina Rott
Associate Professor in Behavioral & Experimental Economics

My research focuses on Experimental and Behavioral Economics and has been published in leading Economics and Management journals such as Management Science, Journal of Human Resources, and Experimental Economics. Among other topics, I am particularly interested in organizational behavior, information asymmetries, diversity & inclusion, and communication.

With the help of different methods, mainly experiments, my research analyzes human behavior in setups in which a (group of) individual(s) has more information than another one. Examples from organizations are teamwork and hiring and promotion processes. In these setups, factors that should not matter (like gender or ethnicity) can lead to biases and harm outcomes (e.g., team result, hiring outcome). My research explores how ‘soft’ interventions like advice or communication can be used to overcome biases, thereby increase diversity, and improve outcomes.

I have extensive teaching experience in methodological, quantitative, and behavioral subjects on the Bachelor, Master, and Executive Education level.



Increasing workplace diversity: Evidence from a recruiting experiment at a Fortune 500 company, Journal of Human Resources, vol 56(1), 2021, pp. 73 - 92. (with Jeffrey A. Flory, Andreas Leibbrandt, and Olga Stoddard)

Advice from women and men and selection into competition, Journal of Economic Psychology, vol 82, 2021, article 102333. (with Jordi Brandts)

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