Christine Moser
Associate Professor of Organization Theory

Christine Moser is an Associate Professor of Organization Theory at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her esearch is organized around three major themes: corporate social responsibility (CSR), knowledge flows in social networks, and the role of technology in social interaction. Empirically studying CSR implementation, Christine has published about how food waste is organized in Dutch supermarkets. In line with this, she is interested in the topic of micro-CSR and how the materiality of food shapes organizational processes. Such processes depend on knowledge sharing and meaning networks, which is a second major research interest. For example, Christine researched how social connectivity influences the diffusion of creative ideas. Finally, nowadays, people are somewhat more accustomed to digital platforms; yet, many questions remain about how they, and other technology, permeate our social interactions. This most recent research interest has resulted already in a number of conceptual publications on the topic of artificial intelligence and morality. Together, research across these three streams is aimed at improving organizational processes with the goal to organize more responsibly.

Her work has been published among others in MIT Sloan Management Review, Academy of Management  Learning and Education, Research Policy, Human Relations, Organization Studies, Business & Society, New Media and Society, Innovation: Organization and Management, and Research in the Sociology of Organizations. She is an editorial board member of Organization Studies, Innovation: Organization & Management and Organization Theory. Christine has recently co-edited a volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations. In addition, she coordinated the organizing team for the EGOS Colloquium in 2021 which was hosted by VU Amsterdam. In 2020, she joined the Executive Committee of the Organization & Management Theory (OMT) division of the Academy of Management as social media co-chair, and in July 2022 she will join the Executive board of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS).


  • Moser., C., den Hond, F., & Lindebaum, D. What humans lose when we let AI decide. Why you should start worrying about artificial intelligence, now. MIT Sloan Management Review, 63(3), 12-14.
  • Den Hond, F., & Moser, C. Useful servant or dangerous master? Technology in business and society debates. Business & Society.
  • Moser, C., den Hond, F., & Lindebaum, D. (2021). Morality in the age of artificially intelligent algorithms. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 
  • Moser, C., Reinecke, J., den Hond, F., Svejenova, S., & Croidieu, G. (2021). Introduction to the special issue. Biomateriality and organizing: Towards an organizational perspective on food. Organization Studies, 42(2), 175-193.
  • Gond, J.P., & Moser, C. (2020). The reconciliation of fraternal twins: Organizing sociological and psychological approaches to ‘micro’ corporate social responsibility. Human Relations, 74(1), 5-40.
  • Reus, S.F., Moser, C., & Groenewegen, P. (2020). Expanding organisational knowledge online: The role of bridging members in knowledge expansion in online groups. Accepted for publication at Innovation: Organization & Management.
  • Deichmann, D., Moser, C., Birkholz, J.M., Nerghes, A., Groenewegen, P., & Wang, S. (2020). Ideas with impact: How connectivity shapes idea diffusion. Research Policy, 49(1), 1038-81.
  • Moser, C. (2020). Book review: Hillary J. Shaw & Julia J.A. Shaw “Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Justice and the Global Food Supply Chain”. Organization Studies, 41(7), 1046-1049.
  • Deichmann, D., Moser, C. & van den Ende, J. (2020). Talk, talk, talk: How tie strength shapes people’s investment in knowledge sharing. Innovation: Organization & Management.
  • Moser, C., & Deichmann, D. (2020). Knowledge sharing in different cultures - The moderating effect of national culture on perceived knowledge quality in online communities. In press at European Journal of Information Systems.
  • Laamanen, M., Moser, C., Bor, S., & den Hond, F. (2020). Social order and organizational dynamics in alternative currency movement network. Current Sociology.
  • Moser, C. (2020). Managing food waste: Antecedents and practices of supermarket food waste. In: Närvänen, E., N. Mesiranta, M. Mattila & A. Heikkine (eds.), Food waste management: Solving the wicked problem, 89-112. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Goedhart, N.S., Blignaut-van Westrhenen, N., Moser, C., & Zweekhorst, M.B.M. (2019). The flipped classroom: supporting a diverse group of students in their learning. Learning Environments Research, 22(2), 297-310. 2021 Best paper award AERA SIG-Learning Environments.
  • Borst, I., Moser, C. & Ferguson, F. (2018). From friendfunding to crowdfunding: Building a community through online activities. New Media & Society, 20(4), 1396-1414.
  • Moser, C., Groenewegen, P., & Ferguson, J. (2017). Meaning in organizational networks – From social to digital and back. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 53, 195-213. Emerald Literati Award 2018.
  • Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P., Moser, C., Mohr, J., & Borgatti, S. (2017). Structure, content and meaning of organizational networks. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 53, ix-xxii.
  • Atteveldt, W., Moser, C., Welbers, K. (2017). Being apart together: Convergence and divergence in the field of Dutch politics. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 53, 33-48.
  • Taminiau, Y., Ferguson, J. & Moser, C. (2016). Informal client relationship development among top-ranking service professionals. Service Industries Journal, 36(15-16), 789-808.
  • Moser, C., & van Eijkeren, A. (2016). User-generated content? Get serious! Understanding the interactions between organizations and customers on social media. International Journal of Business Environment, 8(3), 284-306.
  • Wakkee, I., & Moser, C. (2016). Enduring effects or business as usual? Entrepreneurship after bankruptcy. International Journal of Business Environment, 8(3), 217-241.
  • Groenewegen, P., & Moser, C. (2014). Online communities: Challenges and opportunities for social network research. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 40, 463-477.
  • Moser, C., Ganley, D., & Groenewegen, P. (2013). Communicative genres as organising structures in online communities - of team players and story tellers. Information Systems Journal, 23(6), 551–567.
  • Moser, C., Groenewegen, P., & Huysman, M. (2013). Extending social network analysis with discourse analysis – Combining relational with interpretive data. In: T. Ozyer, J., Rokne, G., Wagner & Reuser, A. (eds.), The Influence of Technology on Social Network Analysis and Mining, Lecture Notes in Social Networks, 6, 547-561.
  • Kunegis, J., Blattner, M., & Moser, C. (2013). Preferential attachment in online networks: Measures and explanations. Proceedings of the ACM WebSci13 International Conference on Web Science, 205-214.
  • Moser, C., Birkholz, J., Deichmann, D., Wang, S., & Hellsten, I. (2013). Exploring ideation: Knowledge development in science through the lens of semantic and social networks. Proceedings of 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 235-243.
  • Moser, C. (2013). Not a piece of cake – What makes online communities work? Doctoral dissertation, Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit.
  • Ganley, D., Moser, C., & Groenewegen, P. (2012). Categorizing behaviour in online communities: A look into the world of cake bakers. Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3457-3466.
  • Moser, C., Hellsten, I., & Groenewegen, P. (2011) The icing on the cake – Combining relational and semantic methods to extract meaning from online message board postings. Proceedings of the ACM WebSci11 3rd International Conference on Web Science, 1-4.
  • Agneessens, F., & Moser, C. (2011) Bipartite networks. Encyclopedia of Social Networks, 75-77. London: Sage.


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