Marco van Gelderen
Associate Professor in Enterprising Behavior

Marco van Gelderen is a psychologist specializing in enterprising behavior. Marco focuses his research as well as his teaching activities on individual level enterprising competencies. He has developed several formats to study as well as practice these competencies, and conducts workshops and (short) courses in various countries and settings. Marco is increasingly focussing his attention on issues pertaining to how business relates to society. Marco is currently editor of the learning innovation section of the Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy journal. Furthermore he is an editorial board member of the Journal of Business Venturing and of Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.


Selected recent publications:

Van Gelderen, M.W. (2022). Developing entrepreneurial competencies through deliberate practice. Education + Training (early cite).

Van Gelderen, M.W. (2023). Using a comfort zone model and daily life situations to develop entrepreneurial competencies and an entrepreneurial mindset. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.

Loi, M., Fayolle, A., Van Gelderen, M.W., Riot, E. et al. (2022). Entrepreneurship education at the crossroads: Challenging taken-for-granted assumptions and opening new perspectives. Journal of Management Inquiry, 31 (2), 123-134.

Van Gelderen, M.W., Wiklund, J.W., & McMullen, J.M. (2021). Entrepreneurship in the Future. A Delphi study of ETP and JBV editorial board members. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 45(5), 1239-1275.

Van Gelderen, M.W. (2020). Entrepreneurs’ Competencies. In: M. Gielnik, M. Frese, & M. Cardon (Eds.), Psychology of Entrepreneurship, pp 210-227. Milton Park: Routledge.

Van Gelderen, M.W., Shirokova, G., Shchegolev, V., & Beliaeva, T. (2020). Striving for entrepreneurial autonomy: A comparison of Russia and the Netherlands. Management and Organization Review, 16(1), 107-138.


Marco’s full list of journal articles can be accessed here.

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