Pieter de Wit
PhD Candidate in Management and Organisation

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Pieter de Wit is PhD Candidate at the School of Business and Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He holds a joint Research Master’s degree in Business In Society from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Universiteit Van Amsterdam. He holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Organizations, and an Honours College degree from Leiden University. Prior to becoming a PhD candidate, Pieter worked as a consultant on business strategies in fragile and conflict-affected settings, mainly in the Easter Mediterranean region.


Pieter’s research is situated at the intersection of organization theory and societal conflict. He is passionate about social diversity, inclusiveness, and the role of business in society. He investigates how organizations can, and cannot, bridge social division in conflict-affected societies. He hopes to contribute not only theoretically to a better understanding of organizing in contexts of conflict, but also practically to more realistic expectations about cooperation and co-existence in such settings.


Pieter teaches courses on strategy (e.g. Organizational Challenges and Growth Strategies) and research methods (e.g. Academic Skills) in the VU’s master’s and bachelor’s programs in Business Administration. Additionally, he supervises theses.



  1. Van Dorp, M., Ararat, M. & De Wit, P. (2018). Round Table on a “Business Coalition for Peace in the Greater Mediterranean Region”: Summary Report. Bureau van Dorp, Amsterdam.
  2. Van Dorp, M., Ararat, M. & De Wit, P. (2018). Round Table on a “Business Coalition for Peace in the Greater Mediterranean Region”: Meeting Report. Bureau van Dorp, Amsterdam.
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