Rebecca C. Ruehle
Assistant Professor of Business Ethics

Rebecca C. Ruehle joined the Vrije Universiteit as an Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Business Ethics at the beginning of 2020.

Rebecca is interested in research on legitimacy, participation, moral psychology, and the ethics of behavioural influences (such as corporate nudging or nudging for sustainability). Together with Prof. Dr. ir. Elco van Burg and Dr. David Kroon she received a ZonMW and NWO grant in 2020 about researching organizations that help vulnerable groups during the Corona crisis.

Within her dissertation Rebecca focused on the ethics of nudging and critically assesses arguments in favour and against the use of nudges in the corporate sphere. Rebecca completed the doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” in 2019 and received her PhD from the University of Halle-Wittenberg in 2020. From October 2019 until December 2019 she was a visiting scholar at Tilburg University, Netherlands.

Furthermore, she was employed as a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Mannheim and a research assistant at the University of Halle-Wittenberg with the task to create and design an online course on behavioural business ethics. Between 2009 and 2015 Rebecca also worked for IBM with overseas assignments in the USA and China. In her main function Rebecca supported the IBM Corporate Citizenship department in Germany.

From 2016 to 2019 Rebecca was on the managing committee of the association sneep e.V. (, which is the largest German-speaking student network for ethics in economics and practise with over 500 active members in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. From 2018 to 2019 she served as the director of the committee.

Rebecca graduated from the University of St Andrews with an MLitt in Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy and the University of Mannheim with an MA in Management, Philosophy and Psychology. She received a Bachelor Degree in International Business Administration from the DHBW Stuttgart. The Bachelor programme was organised in cooperation with IBM Germany.



Ruehle, R. C., Engelen, B., & Archer, A. 2020. Nudging Charitable Giving: What (If Anything) Is Wrong With It? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Rebecca C. Ruehle’s updated list of publications can be accessed here.

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